Monday, March 12, 2012


Found this absolutely divine table setting for Easter via the beautiful Blog Oh one fine day which originated here at HGTV :: WOW is all I can say. I have never gone 'over the top' on the Easter decorating scale...just collected a few bits and pieces over the years and lazily see the Easter celebration as a gentle time to spend with family and friends as opposed to the increasingly yet totally enjoyable full scale production that Christmas is.

So gorgeous...I  have always wanted to make this ::                   or this ::
Easter Egg Tree
Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

And have stockpiled some Rowan cotton to make some more like this  ::

That is after I have finished, oh about 20 or so of these for work colleagues and my babies ::

Bunny Nuggets :: a free Ravelry download Here

Not to mention the thoughts of school holidays and the many projects that swirl aimlessly throughout my head  ::  I really hope to live to at least 120 just to finish all the projects jostling on my queue :: does anyone else go to their local yarn, fabric, gardening store and ask to buy 3 hours of time to go with that purchase please??

1 comment:

Tania said...

I am utterly jaw on the floor over all that Easter fabulousness but I know in my heart of hearts, it'll stay 'gentle' for us! (I'll do my best to knock up some hot cross buns)...